Friday, September 4, 2009

Weddings and Reunions!

Two of my college roommates got married last weekend and lucky for me they didn't have them on the same day, so I was able to be there to watch them both walk down the aisle. Great planning Demi & Liz. But it did mean a roadtrip with a one month old. Much to my surprise it went GREAT! Mya was a precious lil angel. Sse only got upset a few times and that was because she was hungry and mommy was off doing wedding stuff. Jared was SUPER DAD! I always knew he had it in him, but he really was wonderful. He got her dressed, changed her diapers, stood in the back with all the other new babies and their mommies, and calmed her every little fuss. Thanks for your help honey!

Mommy's lil helper! In the mornings while I was helping get ready for the weddings, Mya road along in her sleepy wrap. She loves hamging out in it. When she is awake she likes to ride facing foward so she can look around and then when it is nap time she sleeps in it like a hammock. Thank-you Maggie for introducing us to this amazing product. (Check it out at

Demi & Zach got marrried in Red Feather, Colorado. Demi was a bridesmaid in our wedding and that is when we met Zach, so it was wonderful being able to be there on their big day and share it with them too. I hadn't seen them in 3 years so it was a so much fun seeing them again. Love you guys!
Next we were on to Liz & Dave's wedding in Florisant, Colorado (in the mountains west of Colorado Springs). Liz was also a bridesmaid in our wedding and Dave was our videographer. Liz also caught my bouquet, so we couldn't miss this amazing union! Congratulations, we love you!

3506 Winslow Drive reunites! Shayna, Karla, Chad, Liz, & I were all roommates in Fort Collins, so it was AWESOME getting to see them all again. I miss you guys!


Armbruster's said...

You look AMAZING and that little Mya is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Great job!!!