Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dear Santa, Define Good

The Saturday before Christmas we braved the mall crowds and took Mya to meet Santa. She did great! No crying, but no smiling either. She is a very serious little girl when in new situations.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mya's 4 Month Update

At her 4 month well baby check-up, Mya tipped the scales at 13lbs, 7oz and was 25.25 inches long (this puts her in the 82% for her height...where does she get it from?) Her growth spurt can really be seen in her 12 month onesie! We are having trouble with pants because they are either too short or too big around the waist.Month 4 milestones...
-She did get her first cold this last month, but is finally getting over the sniffles.
-She rolled over for the first time last week.
-She is trying to sit up on her own, which she can do for a few seconds before sliding forward. When we lay her in her swing, chair, or on a pillow she will strain to lift her head and back up. She has figured out how to hold herself up in the tub though.

Daddy's Bronco Buddy

Yay...our Boise State Broncos are going to the Fiesta Bowl! Unfortunately Mya doesn't get to join daddy at the big game in Phoenix. But thanks to her new sitter, Holli, she will get to watch the game in style wearing her new BSU headband. Thanks Holli! It brought us luck against New Mexico State and we are sure it will against TCU too. GO BRONCOS!

I'm a big girl now!

Mya always wants to be upright now. Playing on the floor on her "party mat" only lasts for so long these day and her bouncy chair only allows so much mobility, so we busted out the Johnny-Jumper a few weeks ago. Mya loves it! She hasn't figured out how to jump/bounce in it yet; boy can she spin circles in it though! It is the funniest thing to watch. I am having some technical difficulties with posting video so you will have to use your imagination as you look at the pictures.

Fall was in the air!

Sorry for the delay in getting these pictures on our blog. It was a beautiful fall day and our neighbors had the perfect leaves covering their yard, so I couldn't help but take a few shots. I definitely had more fun than she did. Mya was 3 months old in these pictures.