Monday, September 21, 2009

Go to bed mom!!!

Why am I awake and blogging at 5am? I should be in bed, I am not a morning person! Just when I was going to post how Lil Miss Mya was sleeping for 7-8 hours, she threw me for a loop and went back to her 5 hour shifts. All last week she was going to bed at 11pm and not waking up until 6 or 7am. Jared & I were so proud of ourselves! But then Saturday night and Sunday night we went back to waking up at 4am. As much as I love my sleep I do love her more! I have to admit my heart melts when I pick her up and she snuggles her little head into my neck and then when I lay her down to change her diaper she smiles at me with those big blue eyes. Instantly 4am isn't so bad. I do love having an excuse to just sit and rock her and watch her. Plus, I can get caught up on my blogging while she plays and wears herself out again, it takes her about an hour to settle back down again after eating. She is asleep so I am headed there too, good night.

Fall is in the air!

Watch out Gerber! I went to a local fruit and veggie stand last week just to pick up some sweet corn and walked out with the corn plus green beans, squash, carrots, and of course the above fresh flowers. Baby food for Mya and sunflowers for mommy! I know what you are thinking, "but Stephanie she isn't even 2 months old." My response to you...yes, but she won't stay this way and when she is old enough to eat real food all that great produce won't be in season anymore. Or you are like my mom you wonder why I don't just grind up whatever we are eating for dinner that night when the time comes. Well I have to admit that Jared & I don't have the best eating habits (though we are working on that) and I don't think that pepperoni pizza is an acceptable dinner for a 7 month old.

My it fresh, cook it, blend it up, freeze it in ice cube trays (the perfect infant serving size), and then store it in freezer bags until she eats it. This way I don't have to worry about perservatives and will lower the chances of food allergies. Plus, it will save money. Not having done this before I was not aware how green beans multiple in the blender. I ended up with 156 servings of green beans, 104 servings of squash, and 84 servings of carrots! Hope she likes vegtables!!! I ran out of freezer room and had to start storing them at my mother-in-laws. If that isn't bad enough, I am going to try peaches and pears this week. Wish me luck!

Cheers...Here's to many more!

Happy Anniversary to us! On September 9th, Jared & I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. On one hand it doesn't seem like it has been that long and in the grand scheme of life it hasn't. We always joke, "three down, 47 to go!" Other than Mya, not much has changed. We still have the same jobs, the same house, the same vehicles, and the same dog. But at the same time, we have know each other for 12 years and that is more than a third of our lives. But when we look back at wedding pictures, it seems like that day was a lifetime ago. However you look at it, we still love each other more than the day before and look forward to many more. On a side note, we did make it a date night...we went to dinner and left Mya with Nana....we were out for 2 whole hours with out baby girl. (But we did talk about her the whole time!)



Saturday, September 12, 2009

A house divided...sort of.

As some of you know, I graduated from Colorado State University. Yes, I am a RAM! Usually Jared makes fun of me and will cheer for the other team just to get me worked up. But there is one game a year when he will cheer for CSU, the Rocky Mountain Showdown...CSU vs. University of Colorado. CU's coach Hawkins left BSU a few years ago, so even though we love coach Peterson more, Jared still has some ill feelings toward Hawkins and he cheers on CSU. This year CSU WON!!! Yahoo! Since Mya obviously has tons of BSU apperal, I had to order some green and gold for her. Well, her lil outfit didn't arrive in the mail in time for last Saturday's game so she had to sport one of my t-shirts. But it turned out alright, so only sported it for one quarter before falling asleep.

The Princess and the Pea

Little miss had some sleeping issues the first month. She hated her bassinett and would scream bloody murder within minutes of laying down in it. She didn't care for her crib either and would only sleep in there for 45 minutes to an hour at a time. So we did what I swore I would NEVER do...let her sleep in bed with us. It was so hard to say no to her because she is so darn cute all curled up next to me. In my defense, the book Happiest Baby on the Block says that babies are often scared sleeping by themsleves at first and feel "evicted," so it is alright for them to sleep with you for awhile.
Luckily we were able to slowly break this habit on our road trip. All the hotel rooms we stayed in had 2 beds, so she got hers and we got ours. The first hotel we stayed at apparently had to hard of beds and she would only sleep if laying on pillows, talk about a princess! I know we shouldn't indulge her every wimper, but the experts say "you can't spoil a newborn." I am happy to report she is now sleeping in her crib at nights! She sleeps for about 5 hours at a time and that is great news for Jared who can't take 2-3 naps a day like we do. Now I am reading Baby Wise, so hopefully she will start putting herself to sleep soon. I will keep you posted.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Go Orange, Go Blue...

...Fight, Fight, BSU! Last night kicked off college football season. But more importantly Boise State Broncos football season!!! Our Broncos took on the Oregon Ducks and it turns out "the myth is true...Ducks do crash on the blue!" We won!!! For those of you not familiar with BSU urban legends, our turf is blue (aka Smurf Turf), so imgrating ducks flying over the field think it is a body of water and crash land on the turf. Again, this is just a MYTH, but it makes a fun t-shirt! This game is the main reason we kept our season tickets this year.

In true football tradition we tailgated before the game too with some of Jared's co-workers, his brothers, dad, & sister, and several very nice Duck fans. (See...we are good sports!) It was a regular party with food, drink, great people watching, and a little trash talking!

The Malson Clan
Mark used to take the boys to BSU games when they were little, so it was fun for them to "celebrate" and cheer on the Broncos now that they are older.
This was lil Mya's first Bronco game. I am not sure if she was as excited about it as we were, but she sure looked the part in her BSU onesie and matching bow! She did really well considering how hot and loud it was.
She made tons of friends at the tailgate.
Here she is with Cal and Carly...

...and aunt Michelle and her rommates loved sharing their Bronco pride with her too!

Weddings and Reunions!

Two of my college roommates got married last weekend and lucky for me they didn't have them on the same day, so I was able to be there to watch them both walk down the aisle. Great planning Demi & Liz. But it did mean a roadtrip with a one month old. Much to my surprise it went GREAT! Mya was a precious lil angel. Sse only got upset a few times and that was because she was hungry and mommy was off doing wedding stuff. Jared was SUPER DAD! I always knew he had it in him, but he really was wonderful. He got her dressed, changed her diapers, stood in the back with all the other new babies and their mommies, and calmed her every little fuss. Thanks for your help honey!

Mommy's lil helper! In the mornings while I was helping get ready for the weddings, Mya road along in her sleepy wrap. She loves hamging out in it. When she is awake she likes to ride facing foward so she can look around and then when it is nap time she sleeps in it like a hammock. Thank-you Maggie for introducing us to this amazing product. (Check it out at

Demi & Zach got marrried in Red Feather, Colorado. Demi was a bridesmaid in our wedding and that is when we met Zach, so it was wonderful being able to be there on their big day and share it with them too. I hadn't seen them in 3 years so it was a so much fun seeing them again. Love you guys!
Next we were on to Liz & Dave's wedding in Florisant, Colorado (in the mountains west of Colorado Springs). Liz was also a bridesmaid in our wedding and Dave was our videographer. Liz also caught my bouquet, so we couldn't miss this amazing union! Congratulations, we love you!

3506 Winslow Drive reunites! Shayna, Karla, Chad, Liz, & I were all roommates in Fort Collins, so it was AWESOME getting to see them all again. I miss you guys!

Our Baby Girl is One Month Old!

Our lil Mya is one month old! My friend Stacey gave me the idea to take a picture of her each month in a 12 month onesie. I wasn't prepared for it when she was a newborn, but her she is at one month, so it will be fun to watch her grow into it!
The Stats (at her 4 week check-up):

- she weighed 8lbs. 12 oz.
- grew 2 1/2 inches

The Milestones:
- started smiling at people because she wants to
- started wearing size one diapers
- took her first roadtrip