Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mya's Three Week Update

Wow...time has ran away from me! And my brain has left the station too. Here is an update I saved but forgot to post, ooops.

Has it really been 21 days since we brought our baby girl home? Yikes! We have been a busy family these last 2 weeks. Jared was out of town last week opening a new Robertson Supply in Rexburg. While he was gone, my mom came down and stayed with Mya & I. And Mya had another week of firsts.
At her 14 day check-up she weighed 7lbs. 7oz. She lost had lost 7oz. her first couple of days so we were excited she had put it back on and then some. She is a good little eater and does not like to be interepted during meals!
Well Mya's first bath was a sponge bath and it didn't go as smooth as mom and dad would have liked. But we can't have a smelly baby so we took a real bath last Wednesday to see if that would go over any better. Surprisingly...she really liked it! Once in the water, she just watched me and made all those cute little baby sounds. Yay!
Lots of outings!!! We went to Target on Tuesday evening, but it was a fairly quick trip and she did great, so on Wednesday we decided to go to JCPenney dress shopping for some weddings we have coming up next week. Precious lil Mya just slept in Grandma Sue's arms the whole time. Then grocery shopping. She slept in her car seat as long as we kept the cart moving and made it up until check out before letting me know that all this shopping was making her very hungry. I was very impressed! Pushing our luck, we went to dinner at Olive Garden...she slept the whole time. All the people stopping at our table to look at her and tell us how cute she is didn't even wake her.
Big girl clothes! Up to this point she has just wore sleepers and onesies. All good things must come to an end...bring on the lil outfits. The wardrobe change didn't seem to bother her any, well until her socks fell off and her toes got cold.
First binky, sort of. Jared had given her the binky when she was a week old, but I had read that you should wait 3-4 weeks to introduce the binky, so I took it away. However, while he was gone I learned why he gave her the binky...sometimes she just needs something to do, besides eat. She took it just fine and what do you know, she went back to nursing just fine too.Mya is getting very strong and it still surprises me how she is able to pick her head up and look around. Not to mention how hard she can push away/pull back when she is eating. Those little legs are getting stronger too as they fill out, but she hasn't quite figured out that kicking them in her bouncy seat is what makes it move. The other day she kicked them, bounced the chair a little, and startled herself. Her little face was so cute, those big eyes got even bigger.


Armbruster's said...

Oh my that is one beautiful baby! WOW!!!!!! You are doing great!

Anonymous said...

She is just gorgeous Steph!! We can't wait to meet her in person soon! Such fun!
Love, Megan and Curt