Little miss had some sleeping issues the first month. She hated her bassinett and would scream bloody murder within minutes of laying down in it. She didn't care for her crib either and would only sleep in there for 45 minutes to an hour at a time. So we did what I swore I would NEVER do...let her sleep in bed with us. It was so hard to say no to her because she is so darn cute all curled up next to me. In my defense, the book Happiest Baby on the Block says that babies are often scared sleeping by themsleves at first and feel "evicted," so it is alright for them to sleep with you for awhile.
Luckily we were able to slowly break this habit on our road trip. All the hotel rooms we stayed in had 2 beds, so she got hers and we got ours. The first hotel we stayed at apparently had to hard of beds and she would only sleep if laying on pillows, talk about a princess! I know we shouldn't indulge her every wimper, but the experts say "you can't spoil a newborn." I am happy to report she is now sleeping in her crib at nights! She sleeps for about 5 hours at a time and that is great news for Jared who can't take 2-3 naps a day like we do. Now I am reading Baby Wise, so hopefully she will start putting herself to sleep soon. I will keep you posted.
An update for May
9 years ago
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